In jewelry I use high-quality baked polymer clay. Jewelry from this material is not fragile, not afraid of water.
Care recommendations:
1. Store the polymer clay jewelry separately from each other, in individual packages (zip-package), where the products are protected from contact with an aggressive environment in a place inaccessible to small children and pets.
2. Do not allow jewelry contact with aggressive substances, such as acetone, alcohol, nail polish remover, perfumes, deodorants, detergents, hair spray, body creams.
3. While going out of the house, always put on jewelry last, after the perfume and hair styling has dried.
4. Do not test the decoration for strength and flexibility. Treat your decoration gently and neatly.
5. Be sure to remove the jewelry before going to sleep so that it does not accidentally break down or deform. Also, remove jewelry before visiting a fitness club, solarium, pool or sauna. The effects of sweat, chlorine and high temperature are detrimental to jewelry.
6. Products made of polymer clay are water resistant, but, nevertheless, they should not be stored in places with high humidity. In contact with water (swimming pool, sea water, shower cabin etc.), the lacquer coating and the metal fittings are primarily affected, due to which the entire appearance of the product deteriorates.
7. Jewellry can be periodically cleaned using diluted shampoo or soap (2-3 drops 0.5 cups of water), running water and a soft cloth. After cleaning, wipe dry with a soft, dry cloth.